Sunday, July 20, 2014


Here is a big shout out to Evan Dollard, aka “The Rocket” (You can find him on Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube), for promoting shirtless freedom with his hashtag, #LessShirtMorePower! He gave a great performance on American Ninja Warrior and not only did he compete shirtless, he spoke openly about it and his hashtag #LessShirtMorePower.

In this Ninja Quickie video (see the full version on his Youtube channel here), he and Ben Melick, aka “Tarzan”, joke about being shirtless giving him a performance edge.

But a lot of men really do feel that working out shirtless gives them that extra drive to push their performance to the next level. And all joking aside, I think that Evan recognizes that benefit, how shedding the shirt can make you more in tune with your body and help you kick it up a notch. Thanks, Evan, for encouraging guys to be comfortable with themselves, take off the shirts, and push their performance to the max!

Oh, and guys, help us out and do your part. I want to see a lot more of hashtags like #LessShirtMorePower and #ShirtlessFreedom!